Saturday, November 10, 2007

No Heat?

Minneapolis Ordinances require that landlords provide heat to their tenants whenever the temperature has dropped to 60 degrees Fahrenheit or below for any continuous twenty-four-hour period.

The City of Minneapolis Ordinances, Chapter 244 reads:

244.430. Heating facilities. The owner of every building containing habitable rooms shall provide heating facilities and shall be required to see that said heating facilities are properly installed, safely maintained and in good working condition, and that said facilities are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms located therein to a temperature of at least sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit, measured at a distance of thirty-six (36) inches above floor level, and not closer than thirty-six (36) inches from any wall at all times when the outside temperature is at the design level or above.

244.460. Supplied heating to habitable rooms or parts thereof. Every owner or operator of any building who rents, leases or lets for human habitation any habitable room contained within such building on terms, either expressed or implied, to supply or furnish heat to the occupants thereof, shall maintain a minimum temperature of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit, measured in accordance with section 244.430, in all such habitable rooms and bath and toilet rooms let in conjunction therewith, whenever the outside temperature is sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit, or below, for any continuous twenty-four-hour period.

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